It's been said elsewhere, but I think the Internet was the biggest social change since the printing press, and the effect on society has been drastic and extreme in ways I don't think we even realize yet. It really wasn't that long ago when the only way to read at night was a candle and a train was considered futuristic.

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Astute and undoubtedly true. I thought maybe the ‘darkest before the dawn’ epoch was getting close to being over, but I don’t think it’s gotten as dark as it can yet. But, I guess we’ll see and will only know once the proverbial sun comes up.

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Never realized you were based in NM. Great post, also thankful to live here.

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I'm thinking a lot of the same things. Besides rot in our education system, I think social media-driven culture has a lot to do with where we are. But I am hopeful like you that younger generations can learn to be better.

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I had a really hard time sleeping the last couple of nights--first from anxiety, then from... a different kind of anxiety. So I put my tablet on my nightstand and put in my earbuds and pulled up your 11-hour compilation video, and that was the way I was able to soothe my brain to the point of being able to get a little rest.

It's not that your work is boring, obviously. It's that your reflective tone, your breadth of knowledge, and the consistency of your format make for one of very few things that can hold onto my attention just enough to let the rest of me relax. Thank you so much for that, and for putting thoughtful words like these out into the world.

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I certainly agree Drunk, this was very well written

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